What to Ask a Parent During an Interview

A parent wants their child in a clean and fun environment but more than anything they like to know their child is safe. You can ask questions to answer the questions that they are surely to have in the back of their minds.

Does their child have any allergies and are they life threatening? If they are life threatening do they require an epi-pen? Ask how to use one if you already don’t know.

Ask if their child has a favourite food, blanket, stuffed animal, book or game that they enjoy. This will help you will to plan weekly meals. You will also be able to help a child feel comfortable in your home when you know their favourite toys or activities.

Tell the parent your daily routine, meal plans and your child care activities that you have in your schedule .

Ask if the child has a nap time routine. Find out if it will fit into your schedule you have for your other daycare children.

Let the parent know your daily routine with the children. Talk about the different programs you take them to. Play groups etc.

Explain the way you deal with misbehavior and you will let the parent know about anytime outs that was needed at the end of the day.

Let the parent know that you would need the child’s health card number and emergency contact phone numbers and of course their work place of employment with contact phone number if they so choose your home daycare to place their child/ren.

Also you want to let them know about fees. If you charge for days of an absence, late or holidays.

Make sure you ask the parent if they have any questions for you.


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