Books Books and More Books

As a parent myself i can tell you that books and more books are a must in your home daycare. Be sure to have books for all ages. Picture books, animal books,science books the list goes on. Have a reading time in your daily schedule. Have books out and available to the children.

Read to the children and have them tell you all about the story. Get excited when the children are telling you about it. Let them have fun expressing their actions and their own excitement about the story.This way you will know if they were listening and what books interest them more than others.

Let the child help in picking the book. Let them see and ask questions about the pictures. It may take awhile to get through the book with so many questions being ask. This is the way children learn. They don't learn if they don't ask. Encourage them to get involved in the story.

Make reading a fun time but yet a quite time. Reading time is best before nap time. This will help the children unwind and ready for their nap. A child sleeps better when they are calmed and relaxed as suppose to laying down after coming in from playing at the park.

This is also a time to calm the non nappers for quite time. You can offer paper and crayons for them to draw out their favorite part of the story they just read. Hang their pictures up when they are done. Let them know what a great job they did drawing out the story.

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