What is an Example of Your Daily Meal Plan?

This is a very important part in running your own home daycare. Parents want healthier eating habits for their children.

What is an example of your daily meal plan? I was asked this question in my first interview with a parent looking for childcare. I was so nervous about it being my first interview that i drew a blank.
I figured kids will eat food and that was the end of it. Nope, I was wrong. Let’s just say i didn’t get the job of a full time child.

This is when i realized how important it is to have a healthy meal plan and one that can be printed out for the parents.

Your meal plan should include:

If you have daycare children after hours you would want to include:

Without a meal plan your daycare children will eat you out of house and home. Having a meal plan you will find you are not spending most of your time in the kitchen making each child something of their choice. They will not want to snack on everything in the house because when you provide children with healthy foods, they are full longer Also healthy foods don’t make children sluggish and moody. In fact they are healthier mentally and physically.

Parents don’t want their child hyper on junk foods, not to mention their dentist bill.

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