Most children up to the age of 5 usually have a nap or resting time. When running a daycare you want to make sure you have a set time for this. A routine in place, along with a safe place to nap.

These stack-able daycare beds are great for naps/resting times. They are washable and easy to store for day to day use in your home daycare. They are close to the ground, so you don't have to worry about the children hurting themselves if they fall off as suppose to a toddle bed. Also with toddler beds, they take up to much room. These washable and stack-able cots can be stored away each day that they are not in use.

You will also want the sheets that fit these stack-able children cots. As some children can wet the bed, sweat or may even have a cold. They can help keep your cots free of soil or stains. They can be washed, which is cheaper than having to replace the whole cot after time of wear and tare.

Parents like to know that their children have a clean and safe place to have their daily nap. After all a child that gets their appropriate amount of sleep is a happy child. Which makes your job that much more comfort and rewarding.

You can make your daycare sleeping area much more cozy and relaxing by placing vinyl decals on the walls. These are removable and washable.They come in all sorts of themes and for all ages. These are sure to brighten any room in your home daycare. Vinyl decals are sticky but not sticky enough to take the paint off your walls if your childcare kids decide to remove them. Do not place these decals low to the ground to avoid choking. Meaning do not stick near baby cribs.

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