Home Daycare Subsidy

Are you looking to becoming a childcare provider through the county. I can tell you my experience about what they expect and for to expect. Although this may vary for each county.

I made the call to the county inquiring about home daycare child subsidy. They sent me a flyer with prices per child, overnighters, part time full time and ages. A week later they called me to set up an interview. They asked me questions about routine, entertainment, how i would deal with all ages groups at once, punishment, menu. Those were just a few of the questions. After the interview they did a house inspection. So be sure to have your house in tip top shape.You may find Ways to Organize Your Daycare Toys and Supplies helpful.

Being a childcare provider in your home daycare, means the county will make once a month visits to your home. These visits are unexpected. Meaning you never know when they will show up. There is never an appointment made before they come. If you are not home they will look for you at the parks, library or playgroups.

They will bring toys and newsletters with them. As they will interact with you and your child subsidy children during their visit. You may ask any questions you may have and they will ask you any questions that they have.

You also need to go to their once a month gatherings with other subsidized home care providers. Sometimes it is held at the local park or a near by place such as a play group.

Once you are possibly accepted for consideration of becoming a subsidized daycare provider. Meaning hired through the county. You are required a police record check for you and anyone in your home over the age of 12. This is all at your expense. You are also required to have a form signed and sent to the county's office from the child's services. This form will state you are okay to provide child care within you home.

You may or may not get hired after all of this. The county subsidy are VERY picky. If you don't get excepted, don't feel belittled. There are many non subsidized children that need in home childcare. Just find ways advertise your home daycare.

One thing i still don't understand is that the subsidy office does not require you to have E.C.E. or First aid. Not in my area anyway. Although they do require you have a medical kit and C.P.R. Manual in the home.

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