Dealing With a Temper Tantrum

You may find that a child in your care will have what is called a honeymoon stage. This is where a child will behave for the first few days or weeks. After that their true colors show and they want to test you. They may try this in many ways. Hitting, biting misbehaving or back talk are a few you may encounter in your home daycare.

Ways that work the best for preschoolers are to get down to their level and look them right in the eye. Let the child know this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in your home. Then explain they must have a time out on the time out chair. Start their time over each time they get up and walk away from the time out chair. Once their time out is over have the child tell you why they were put in the chair and have the child say sorry.

For younger children you would do the same, except you would use words like that was not nice and now you need to sit on the chair for a little bit. One minute per age is a significant amount of time for time outs. You may have to keep putting the child back onto the chair but believe it or not most children understand why they are on the chair. Yes even 2 year olds.

If misbehavior happens way to often you then tell the parent that it is unacceptable and needs to be resolved. You have the right to refuse any child at anytime if it means harm to your other daycare children.

Be sure to have time outs when ever needed. Never let a time out slide or the child will not understand why one day it was okay and the next day it wasn't. Set the rules and stick to them. You will run a smoother home daycare if you stick to your rules.

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