Ways to Advertise Your Home Daycare

Once you are all set up to open your home daycare business, you need to find ways to advertise. Let everyone know you provide childcare in your home. There are a few ways you can do this that are free.

You can advertise your home daycare on kijiji.com, kijiji.ca, craigslist.com craigslist.ca classifieds. Just open a free account and place your free ad. Use a catchy title and provide lots of information about your services be sure to mentions any childcare activities that are in your schedule or make flyers, print them and post them up within your community. Use bright colors to draw people’s attention. Make sure you have your phone number on the page as well as the strips for people to take. This way if all the strips with your phone number are gone, others will be able to write down your phone number.

There are some inexpensive ways to advertise your home daycare. You can place an ad in your local news paper. Some areas have more than one local newspaper. Be sure to place your ad in each one. Maybe place your ad in one newspaper one week and another ad in another newspaper the following week. This way you will reach the majority of the people within your community and it won’t be so costly at once.

There is also another way to advertise your home daycare business. Make a website. There are free website builders online. If you don’t have the time to make your own website. I will do it for a small fee. Just contact me and i can arrange one for you. However i only charge for my time as i use free templates. Which means the template is not for resale. You only own the content.

Another great way to to get the word out is let everyone you know that you are open for business. As the saying goes people know people. Word of mouth travels fast.


As a child care provider you should get involved in child care activities. You can get involved in different play groups. Look up play groups in your area. Your daycare children will enjoy getting out and playing with other children. You will also be able to enjoy some adult company and meet other child care providers. You can learn about more child care activities available within your community.

There are many other groups that you can take the children to. Dance, park gatherings or where i live they have free cooking classes, science classes and even math classes for preschoolers. Did i mention these are FREE! Sometimes the local library has activities for preschoolers. What a great way to introduce new books to the children.

You can add these groups and activities to your schedule. Parents will want to know and see that their children are learning all these fun things and not in a home daycare sitting and watching television. As some child care providers have been known to sit at a computer all day while the children sit and watch television. These home daycares shouldn't be out there but they are.

Simply search the Internet for available resources in your area. Once you find a few then call and find out more information about their programs and what they have to offer. Find out their times and age groups per programs. Ask about other childcare activities within your community as they may know of some that are not listed on the Internet.

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Books Books and More Books

As a parent myself i can tell you that books and more books are a must in your home daycare. Be sure to have books for all ages. Picture books, animal books,science books the list goes on. Have a reading time in your daily schedule. Have books out and available to the children.

Read to the children and have them tell you all about the story. Get excited when the children are telling you about it. Let them have fun expressing their actions and their own excitement about the story.This way you will know if they were listening and what books interest them more than others.

Let the child help in picking the book. Let them see and ask questions about the pictures. It may take awhile to get through the book with so many questions being ask. This is the way children learn. They don't learn if they don't ask. Encourage them to get involved in the story.

Make reading a fun time but yet a quite time. Reading time is best before nap time. This will help the children unwind and ready for their nap. A child sleeps better when they are calmed and relaxed as suppose to laying down after coming in from playing at the park.

This is also a time to calm the non nappers for quite time. You can offer paper and crayons for them to draw out their favorite part of the story they just read. Hang their pictures up when they are done. Let them know what a great job they did drawing out the story.

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Home Daycare Subsidy

Are you looking to becoming a childcare provider through the county. I can tell you my experience about what they expect and for to expect. Although this may vary for each county.

I made the call to the county inquiring about home daycare child subsidy. They sent me a flyer with prices per child, overnighters, part time full time and ages. A week later they called me to set up an interview. They asked me questions about routine, entertainment, how i would deal with all ages groups at once, punishment, menu. Those were just a few of the questions. After the interview they did a house inspection. So be sure to have your house in tip top shape.You may find Ways to Organize Your Daycare Toys and Supplies helpful.

Being a childcare provider in your home daycare, means the county will make once a month visits to your home. These visits are unexpected. Meaning you never know when they will show up. There is never an appointment made before they come. If you are not home they will look for you at the parks, library or playgroups.

They will bring toys and newsletters with them. As they will interact with you and your child subsidy children during their visit. You may ask any questions you may have and they will ask you any questions that they have.

You also need to go to their once a month gatherings with other subsidized home care providers. Sometimes it is held at the local park or a near by place such as a play group.

Once you are possibly accepted for consideration of becoming a subsidized daycare provider. Meaning hired through the county. You are required a police record check for you and anyone in your home over the age of 12. This is all at your expense. You are also required to have a form signed and sent to the county's office from the child's services. This form will state you are okay to provide child care within you home.

You may or may not get hired after all of this. The county subsidy are VERY picky. If you don't get excepted, don't feel belittled. There are many non subsidized children that need in home childcare. Just find ways advertise your home daycare.

One thing i still don't understand is that the subsidy office does not require you to have E.C.E. or First aid. Not in my area anyway. Although they do require you have a medical kit and C.P.R. Manual in the home.

Dealing With a Temper Tantrum

You may find that a child in your care will have what is called a honeymoon stage. This is where a child will behave for the first few days or weeks. After that their true colors show and they want to test you. They may try this in many ways. Hitting, biting misbehaving or back talk are a few you may encounter in your home daycare.

Ways that work the best for preschoolers are to get down to their level and look them right in the eye. Let the child know this behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in your home. Then explain they must have a time out on the time out chair. Start their time over each time they get up and walk away from the time out chair. Once their time out is over have the child tell you why they were put in the chair and have the child say sorry.

For younger children you would do the same, except you would use words like that was not nice and now you need to sit on the chair for a little bit. One minute per age is a significant amount of time for time outs. You may have to keep putting the child back onto the chair but believe it or not most children understand why they are on the chair. Yes even 2 year olds.

If misbehavior happens way to often you then tell the parent that it is unacceptable and needs to be resolved. You have the right to refuse any child at anytime if it means harm to your other daycare children.

Be sure to have time outs when ever needed. Never let a time out slide or the child will not understand why one day it was okay and the next day it wasn't. Set the rules and stick to them. You will run a smoother home daycare if you stick to your rules.

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Family Pets in a Home Daycare

If you own a family pet. Make sure they are up to date with their shots before opening you start up a home daycare. Believe it or not parents will and do ask for proof of animal vaccinations. You don't want to say your pet hasn't been vaccinated because if you can't take care of your pet. How are you to take care of their child?

Have your yard and home is free from feces. If you own a pet be sure to let the parent that is coming for an interview knows before they show up at your door because they may have an allergy or fear of some animals. Or your pet just may startle them and then you already have a check mark of cons from the parent.

Have your home free of animal hair as much as possible. If you own a cat, make sure the little box is in a place where young children can’t get into it.Young children will eat cat little. They like to explore anything and everything. With cat little it might just be the feel of the texture for some child. Other child will just plan eat it.

All other animals should be in their cages or their area of the house to avoid any health issues. This is more for pets like snakes, rats, ferrets etc. You wouldn't want to have to explain to a parent that their child was bit by your snake or worse the child could have an allergic reaction.

Keep your pet area clean. Word of mouth travels fast and you don't need parents telling others you keep a dirty pet area. This would not be a good way to start up a home daycare. You would fail before you even get started.

Keep all pet feeding bowls out of reach as children love playing in those too. Starting up your own home daycare means you want to have everything clean including your pets.

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Living in a Daycare Literally

To run a home daycare, it means you live in one. This includes your bathroom. You need to have everything child proof and child accessible.

Make sure you have a stool for preschoolers so they can reach the toilet and sink. Make hand washing fun as you have them sing the abc song.

Have an area for the children to put their tooth brushes. Keep mini cups in the bathroom for them to be able to rinse their mouth out after brushing.

Provide paper towels instead of hand towels for drying their hands. This will help to keep the spread of germs.

Do not place soiled diapers in the bathroom garbage or any other garage in your house. Simply place them in a garbage pail with a lid and keep it out side. Soiled diapers will stink your house up in no time at all.

Keep all shampoos soaps and razors out of reach. If you have a medicine cabinet in your bathroom mirror, make sure you have a lock on it or store your medicine in another safe locked area in your home.

Do not have the cat litter box in your bathroom. You might want to find out more information on family pets in a home day care.

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